Course realization of anterior bridge zirconium of 3 elements with 1 pontic with "Tips & Hints" and "Watch and do it yourself" books
€ 1.000,00 / pers.
The originality of this course consists in imitating the referenced photo.
The participants will prepare in their laboratories :
- 1 framework ( color A1 ) in zirconium.
- A gingival flange (plaster, soft resin etc)
This framework will be seated on the preparations ready for layering.
The course participant will receive 3 models :
- 1 upper model with preparations.
- 1 lower model with antagonists.
- 1 aesthetic model.
He will have to bring his small personal instrumentation for modeling and scraping (burs, spatulas, brushes ...)
Course program
1st day: 9h00 to 12h00 am– 2h00 to 6h00 pm Theory and practise
- Ideas on frameworks design
- Ideas on colours
- Control of hue, chroma and value
- Ideas and control of translucence
- Ideas of absorption and reflection of light
- Analysis of different photos and adaptation of the adequate layering technique
- Control of the color on the framework and washfiring
- Manage bridge embrasures and minimal thicknesses
- Ideas on shade determination in the dental laboratory
2nd day : 9h00 to 12h00 am– 2h00 to 6h00 pm Practise
- Realization of 1st bake
- Realization of 2ndbake
- Application of the book « Tips & Hints » and « Watch and do it yourself »
- Rational and didactic study of tooth shapes
- Study of function
- realization of the texture
- Glaze and mechanic polishing of the bridge.
* Ceramic porcelain used during course : IVOCLAR e.Max ceramic.
Please take along your small working instruments.