Работа 1 : Клиническая работа, реализованная с доктором Стефаном Куби / виниры и оверлей, 2 зубных ряда.

clinical case Dr Koubi


clinical case Dr Koubi


Stefan Koubi initial situation


Errosion dentaire Dr Koubi G.Ubassy


Mock Up Koubi Stefan


Mock Up Koubi Stefan



préparations  Stefen Koubi

préparations des onlays Stefen Koubi

Overlay en cire Ubassy Gerald

Onlay by Florence Ozil / labo Ubassy


Upper arch Stefan Koubi Ubassy


cementation Onlay Koubi


Onlays G.ubassy/ Florence Ozil


cementation Onlay Koubi

Onlay by Florence Ozil / labo Ubassy


veneers Dr S.Koubi /G.Ubassy


veneers Dr S.Koubi /G.Ubassy


Institut de la facette Dr S.KOUBI


                   L'institut de la facette Marseille        

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