
Analysis Analysis Analysis

Out of Print

Texts of the book translated into 9 languages.

The reactions and suggestions from my readers have been taken into consideration to write my second book. Hence it is a logical sequence to my previous observations - although it differs in content and design.

With Analysis, I would like to facilitate and improve the communication between dental practices and laboratories. It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to convey detailed information of tooth type or smiles of individual patients via the telephone. Details of shape, layering, translucency, surface texture, or the exact position of teeth in their oral environment are even more difficult to communicate from a distance.

Being aware of these obstacles, I systematically started to file photographs of natural teeth and to codify them. Finally, I made this collection available to my customers. Every customer was now in the position to make the necessary differentiation by means of a simple analytical procedure. After that, they were able to supply me with their requirements by means of alphanumeric and numerical codes.


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